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Here are the responses that came in after this prompt 🖤.

- Lucy the Labrador retriever!!!!!!! She makes my life better by being a constant and unyielding source of enthusiastic unconditional love.

- I think you’ll anticipate my answer to this one - Miss Lily!! It would take me years to write out all the ways she makes my life better.

- Don, our mailman! He is a bright spot in our days - always smiling and joking.

- Our daughter brightens my day. She is 3 and views the world with pure curiosity. She experiences unfiltered marvel and curiosity for most things, as it's likely that she's seeing or experiencing them for the first time in her life. She demonstrates that we can all live in the same world and have vastly different experiences based on what we focus on and how we approach things. She inspires me to look at everything like it's the first time. When you experience life that way, then it's hard to see anything but joy.

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