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A few member responses that came in after this prompt 🖤.

- To me, failure means going against myself and what feels right to me in everyday scenarios. Failure means being out of integrity. I know when I’ve failed when I feel a constriction in my chest - almost like what’s inside is throwing a tantrum about not being allowed outside.

- To me, failure is giving up on myself when I know I could've done better. It's a decision, rather than an outcome. In life and in work, there've been times that I've tried for something and it didn't turn out the way I imagined. That feels bad, no doubt, but I realized that life is full of wins and losses, and no single one can define me as long as I keep trying again. It's only when I choose to close the door on myself have I failed. I try to be conscious of that.

- To me, failure is yet another beautiful opportunity for a deeper level of growth to transpire.

- I don’t really buy into the concept of failure - I believe it’s an opportunity to pivot and adjust.

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